Many people were convinced that the world would end on December 21, 2012. We are now well into 2013 and we are still here! So what was all the hoopla about, many people are asking—where did that date and the prediction come from?
In Marie D. Jones’ book 2013: the End of Days or a New Beginning, you can read a thorough review of the various research which predicted the end of the world as being anywhere from October 28, 2011 to the most popular prediction of December 21, 2012. Regardless of the date that was used in predicting the end, what is exciting for those of us who are involved in serving others at this time in history is that there is a major shift in earth’s energy, which will give great support to our work. Should anyone consider this statement about the shift in earth’s energy as being too esoteric, they need only consider global climate change and other visible changes in weather that are proof of these physical changes on our planet.
Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. provides detailed discussion of the Sacred Calendar used by the Maya Civilization who is largely associated with the discussion of the world coming to an end in 2012 in his book, The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. He says that the Mayan calendar shares many of its messages with other spiritual traditions: “We are all One,” “Life has a purpose,” and “God is love.” Yet, he goes on to say, the calendar also conveys a unique message: There is a deadline for the creation of the enlightened age “at the end of time,” and we all need to participate as co-creators in that process.
Many experts believe that “the end of time” refers to a major shift in consciousness as a new world is being born. Psychologist and Shaman, Alberto Villoldo discusses this in an interview with Optimist Magazine (Nov/Dec, 2012). He says that in the new world there will be new technologies, new ways of doing business, new ways of relating to each other, new forms of medicine, new ways of participating consciously in our evolution that did not exist in the old cycle.
I believe that businesses as well as entire industries who survive in the new world will be those who learn to put people in front of money, using their resources to help survivors of tragedies during the time they need support the most. I am already seeing examples where companies commit their resources to help survivors before they consider the financial risk in taking responsibility for an accident. This is a major change from when I began my research of aviation disasters in the mid eighties. It will be interesting to see in 2013 and beyond what happens to companies who do not adopt the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would wish to have done to you.”
I close this entry with a quote from Calleman, which I personally take great encouragement from:
“There is hope for humanity, not because we will all suddenly choose to change for the better, but because the consciousness of humanity is subject to a cosmic plan that cannot be manipulated.”