See or Hear Something…Say Something
-Carolyn V. Coarsey, Ph.D.
A few days ago, another tragic story appeared in the news about a young
woman in South Carolina, ending her life with a handgun, after wounding
her boyfriend several times with the same weapon. According to the news
stories, the young woman posted several messages about her unhappy
life situation over a period of several weeks. Friends also reported hearing
her say that she planned to purchase a handgun for this purpose.
According to the same news reports, at least two people reported the
threats to the police. A full investigation is underway to learn more facts
about the tragedy which at the time of the initial reports contained more
questions than answers.
QPR Gatekeeper Training classes which pertain to the subject of actions to
take when someone threatens over social media—i.e., threats to harm the
person posting, or someone they know. Gatekeeper Training emphasizes
that all threats, whether they be direct statements of intent or coded
messages must be taken seriously. In the story above, it sounds as if
friends did attempt to call attention to the dangerous situation, but for
whatever reason, the tragedy occurred in spite of this.
“Effective QPR hinges on the fact that people in distress typically
communicate their despair and hopelessness, either in word or
behavior before making a suicide attempt."
Founder & CEO, QPR Institute
While this recent story ended tragically, it provides another example from
which we can learn. Many friends and family members are at a loss for
what to do under circumstances like the story referenced above. In our
training, we stress that when anyone makes a threat to end their life by
suicide or harm anyone, the information should be shared with everyone
they believe has an interest in that person and anyone who may be able
to help. When someone makes a threat to harm anyone, confidentiality is
no longer relevant. While calling authorities is one step, it is also
necessary to include others in the discussion, including family members
and friends who are close to the person at risk.
Other actions would include going to the side of the person who is at risk
and taking them to see a mental health professional. If obtaining an
appointment is not possible, take them to a hospital where someone on
staff can assist them. Since many suicidal people may not reach out
directly for help—one might conclude that posting on social media and/or
discussing plans for self-harm or harming another could be seen as a way
of calling out for help. Either way, direct threats or indirect threats to
harm oneself or someone else, clearly point to the fact that the person is
not thinking clearly and in need of professional help as well as family
support. They should receive attention from family, friends, and
professionals as long as the threat continues.
"Preventing suicide takes a team."
-Paul Quinnett, Ph.D.,
Founder & CEO, QPR Institute
Becoming part of a team is a good way to share the burden of the known
threat and relieve the sense of being solely responsible for one whose life
may be at risk. By sharing our fears about the safety of a family member,
co-worker, friend, or anyone we have concerns about, we increase the
chances that their life can be saved.
As the suicide epidemic grows, the number of resources and helplines
increase as well. Just as a suicidal person can access hotlines and other
helping resources, anyone who sees or hears someone make statements
about harming themselves or others, can contact these resources and
express their fears and concerns. All who hear statements and/or reads
social media posts where threats are made must act—and resources
abound to help, once that first step is taken.
If you are interested in learning more about how to become a Gatekeeper
and becoming part of a more extensive network that is dedicated to
suicide prevention, see www.qprinstitute.com. To learn more about the
training classes offered by the Family Assistance Foundation and for
information about upcoming Gatekeeper classes and how you can
become a trainer within your workplace go to fafonline.org. You can also
contact Stephen Young at stephen.young@aviem.com.
Upcoming Gatekeeper Trainings
Atlanta Gatekeeper Training
Courtyard Atlanta Airport North, September 27, 2018
Atlanta Train-the-Trainer
Courtyard Atlanta Airport North, September 27, 2018
Hong Kong Gatekeeper Training
January 2019
Hong Kong Train-the-Trainer
January 2019
QPR stands for Question, Persuade and Refer and is a research-based
intervention that anyone can learn. The Foundation works with the QPR
Institute to customize this successful intervention for cruise lines,
aviation companies, human resources professionals and other workplace
groups. Please contact stephen.young@aviem.com at the Foundation if you
would like to know more about how you can learn to be a QPR Gatekeeper
in your organization. You can also learn how you can become a certified
trainer of the QPR Gatekeeper model. Contact the Foundation to discuss
your interests.
© 2018 QPR Institute Inc./Family Assistance Education & Research Foundation
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