
Foundation, reminding you that a fully-integrated approach for assisting survivors of
traumatic loss involves a balance of head and heart. Wednesday Wisdom is written
and copyrighted by Carolyn V. Coarsey, Ph.D. and distributed by the Family
Assistance Education & Research Foundation Inc., fafonline.org. Reprint is available
with written permission from the Foundation.
Making Music and Following Your Bliss in the
New Year

"It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else."
–Irma Bombeck,
(1927-1996, American Humorist)
Looking toward the New Year provides us with opportunities for completing goals
and another twelve months devoted to achieving lifelong dreams. The late
Dr. Wayne Dyer, an American psychologist, philosopher, and spiritual teacher,
published a book in 2001 entitled, Ten Secrets for Success and Inner Peace.
One of the ten secrets, which led to a later book by the same title published in 2014,
read, Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You. Dr. Dyer encouraged people to
pursue their inner-most goals and dreams. He and other experts tell us that fear is
the most significant obstacle for pursuing our dreams. Fear of failure, fear of
embarrassment over failure, and fear that others who may not support us, are right
in their discouragement of our ideas, are a few of the fears that hold us back.
Knowing that others have found the courage to follow their dreams and accomplish
their goals, despite significant obstacles, can be a source of encouragement and
sustain us during challenging times in our lives. Swiss Psychiatrist, Dr. Elizabeth
Kubler-Ross, best known for her groundbreaking book On Death and Dying (1969,
regarded as one of the best nonfiction bestsellers of all times), is one of those
people whose life is an inspiration to many in the caregiving field. Dr. Kubler-Ross
had a significant influence on improvements in patient care in America, including the
development of the hospice program, and improved respect for terminally and
mentally ill patients, despite the resistance she received from physicians and leaders
in the medical community.
Dr. Kubler-Ross graduated from medical school in Zurich, Switzerland and moved to
the United States in 1958, after marrying an American medical student. Surprised at
what she experienced in America’s hospital system, which she described as cold
and sterile, she set about to make changes. Dr. Kubler-Ross received criticism and
met with constant negative feedback over her desire to talk to all patients about their
treatment. This included young children and individuals diagnosed with mental
illnesses. She believed in providing all patients with choices wherever possible.
Around the same time that her first book was released, Dr. Kubler-Ross became a
global household name overnight when Life magazine ran an article about her
death and dying seminars, featuring interviews with a young leukemia patient who
talked openly and honestly about what it was like to face death. Respected
throughout the world for what she was helping all caregivers learn from the patients
themselves, she was later forced to leave the University of Chicago. As her
reputation grew, hospital leadership took the position that they preferred to be
recognized for saving lives–not teaching about death and the terminally ill.
After leaving the hospital, as her sessions were being boycotted, her work flourished.
Caregivers continued to follow her teachings, hospices grew in high numbers under
her leadership, and she continued to help the world embrace death as the final stage
of growth. In her later years, Dr. Kubler-Ross also became a pioneer in
near-death studies.

“Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands,
but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your
guides and following them, you reach your destiny."
-Carl Schurz,
(1829-1906, German revolutionist, American statesman)
their regular work or during a crisis in their workplace, face many obstacles. It is
often challenging to meet personal goals for your work, while simultaneously
satisfying higher management’s expectations.
In setting your goals this year, consider what experts on goal setting advise. First,
acknowledge what you have already accomplished and be grateful for what you
have done—too much time is wasted feeling guilty over what was not completed.
Secondly, set fewer goals so that you can see your progress. Thirdly, write down
your goals and share them with others on the team who can help you accomplish
them. Finally, write down actionable steps that help you focus your
energy each day.
Creating your music while there is still time in your life takes courage and
commitment. American mythologist and writer, Joseph Campbell, spoke of one's
music as bliss. His words provide the perfect summary on the subject of goals setting
and the last Wednesday Wisdom™ for 2017.
"If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been
there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is
the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will
open where you didn't know they were going to be."
– Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)

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